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Internal Testing (Current Stage)

Cost: Free

I'll be conducting internal testing of the Stoic Sustenance with very limited numbers to ensure that it meets the necessary standards for a closed test and open beta.

Internal testing will involve checking for bugs, issues, scaling, and usability problems.

The app will be free to use during internal testing, and I'll be looking for feedback from users to identify areas for improvement.

Expect bugs and issues during internal testing, and please report them via the question mark at the top right of the app so that they can be addressed.

Closed Test

Cost: Free

I'll be conducting a closed test of the Stoic Sustenance app with a small group of users to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement. The closed test will be for free and will run for a few weeks while we gather information.

There may be surveys and interviews to gather feedback, and I'll be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

There is the chance that the app may not be fully functional during the closed test, and there may be bugs or issues that need to be addressed.

Meal and Stoic Score tracking that takes place during the closed test may or may not be saved for the open beta and full launch.

Open Beta

Cost: Small monthly subscription fee

After the closed test, I'll be launching an open beta for the Stoic Sustenance app. The open beta will be available to the public, and users can sign up to participate.

The app will be available for download on the App Store and Google Play Store.

Full Launch

Cost: Small monthly subscription fee

The full launch of the Stoic Sustenance app will follow the open beta. The app will be available for download on the App Store and Google Play Store.